
My art process has changed significantly over the decades. Today, I start with an iPad where I figure everything out. I do a finished pencil drawing on a piece of typing paper and load that into Photoshop for coloring…

…but back in the day I worked gigantic! Huge sheets of watercolor paper, paint splattered all over my studio and I had to do all the headline text and graphics by hand.

4 Comments on “Pugster

  1. amazing art!! have you/will you do like a YouTube video of your process? would love to see that creative process! MG

  2. You’ve always been my favorite cartoonist. And I still enjoy seeing your new pieces.

  3. just awesome Dennis, do you gray scale the entire drawing then put color on top of the gray tones?

    • Jimmy, my little video did not quite line up with what I was saying in text. That greyscale came from the finished color picture. I was just using it for a transition. I have tried doing greyscale renders first and THEN adding color to them (because it kinda makes sense to figure the values out that way) but I have never been able to add color to a greyscale where the color doesn’t just die a horrible death… so for me, it’s straight to color on top of my pencil drawing.

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